• Alerts
    • Alerts provide up to date information about our church and activities.


Vacation Bible School - VBS at County Line is an exciting time. We call it Camp VBS. We choose 3 days during the summer as day-long VBS days. Workers are excited. Kids are excited. We invite the children of our community to come out and enjoy fun and solid biblical instruction. Close to half of the entire congregation is involved with VBS at County Line.

Country Fest - Each year, during the Fall, we invite our community to come out for a great time of fun and fellowship. Activities include demonstrations from a variety of vendors, including butter making, soap making, knife making, quilting, old farm equipment, and more! Then add in lots of free food and candy, door prizes, music, and great fellowship, and you've got the makings of a great night. 

BBQ and FIREWORKS! We also have an occasional celebration (like the Fourth of July) where we invite our community in for a great time of food, fun, and fellowship. Plus, we have some pretty great fireworks!

Be sure to check the calendar for dates on these ministry events.